Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan 25, 2010

Oh, early morning class. I had Art History II in the morning, where we mostly did more review before getting into a little bit of new material.

After a short break we had Photojournalism. We spent most of the time looking at photos and talking about basic photography elements. It was pretty slow. We got some quick food after class and before Sculpture, where we talked about our upcoming projects. They're coming up quickly.

I went to a meeting for a new campus publication called Rowan on the Record but it seemed like a group of amateurs and they didn't explain much about the project at all. It was disappointing but I'm still going to stay on their list in case something good comes up.

I went to Olive Garden with Jimmy after the meeting. I got portobella raviolis again. They were delicious. We had a good time.

I came back to hang out with Joanna and watched too many episodes of a cake show on Food Network. All the cakes looked delicious. It made me want Rice Krispie's treats because they used them on almost everything.

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