Friday, February 24, 2017

Feb 24, 2017

When I started my day at Silver Run my meeting schedule left much to be desired as far as free time on such a beautiful day. As it turned out the first two meetings I wasn't needed so I had two hours off right off the bat! I went to Becca's and we immediately headed to the park to play disc golf. I thought we could play the long tees for a change. Well, I was once again reminded why we don't. They're not much fun and some aren't much different. And Becca ended up throwing her disc into the thick brush on hole 10. We used my hoodie as armor and she got her disc back.

I had to go back to work for one meeting, but then I had a long lunch so I met Becca again for Wildflower lunch at Corson Park. It was so nice out. I want to have more meals outdoors.

After going back for a very short time I was done early so Becca, Chuck, and I went to Glasstown. I was excited to try the Super C, their new IPA with Centennial, Citra, and Chinook? hops. It was very citrusy and delicious and maybe my new favorite IPA there.

We had a great time and ended up staying for a long time. Adrian even cruised through! Chuck pretended to be grumpy. It was a proper evening at the bar. 

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