Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jun 2, 2011

I went in for the band teacher at Lakeside in the morning, looking forward to an easy day, but I got switched for some reason to a special ed class. I wasn't thrilled but there was another teacher in there who took charge and they really were a good class. I got some reading done and couldn't really have asked for an easier day.

After coming home and having a nap, I went up to Mullica Hill to meet Brian, Dan, DJ, Joe and a couple of others to play ultimate frisbee. It was a beautiful evening out for it. We played as the sun was going down and, even though it had been a while, I got back into the groove.

The frisbee cracked when it hit the ground at one point so we taped it up and hoped for the best. After that point we were just messing around and sprinting back and forth on the field. When it got dark we sat on the grass for a while, enjoying the awesome breeze and talking/making strange sounds at each other.

I met Ryan for a late night run around his neighborhood. We ran in opposite directions and I did a little over two miles at a really good pace. I guess it was the competition aspect of it, but it felt nice to see some improvement in my time. We took a walk around the area after running and then I came home to pass out.

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