Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jun 3, 2008

The beginning of this eventful, fantastic day started at Wood School, where I was filling in for the librarian. I had to read stories to groups of young children who couldn't stop yelling and tattling on one another. It couldn't have ended soon enough.

I had time after school for a quick nap, then I picked up Alex at her house. Nobody else could go, but I wanted to see Demetri again and she hadn't seen him yet so we went.

I decided to drive into the city this time instead of taking a train. We found a parking spot very quickly near the venue for a reasonable price.

We went to Rififi and actually got tickets this time! They got the date wrong, but the picture is pretty sweet.

We immediately proceeded to Jamba Juice to celebrate how well things were going.

We enjoyed our fruity beverages while walking around looking for the Brooklyn Bridge.

We ended up walking halfway across the Williamsburg Bridge.

It was extremely windy but it felt good on a warm evening.

We had a decent view from behind the steel gates.

Since it was a long walk we decided to take the subway back to the bar.

We got a few beers when we got there and started waiting.

It wasn't anywhere near as anxiety-filled as last time since we knew we'd get in.

The funny thing is, we stood in the exact same spot that we did last week when I didn't have a ticket. It was still an awesome show. Not many good pictures from the set, but Demetri was great as always, and Mike Birbiglia was his intermission comedian. Mike almost stole the show! He was hilarious from start to finish. They even stayed on stage and worked off of each other for a while, with Mike reading joke names from Demetri's set list and making fun of the ones he circled to mean "this joke worked, keep it." "I don't think I'd want to date a twin because if we break up, there's twice the chance that I'd run into her."

After the show, Demetri came out to the bar and stopped to talk to us for a few minutes. After giddily telling him how great he was, we talked about his new Comedy Central show and my third visit to his show. He's a really awesome, down to earth guy.

Alex was more reserved, trying not to seem like a fangirl (like me) and settling for bonding over their common Greek heritage and getting a Happy Birthday wish from him.

What's even more awesome is before he left, he gave us each a few drink tickets to use for the night! Such a great guy!

So we stayed and had a few more drinks, compliments of Mr. Martin!

It was pretty much pouring outside, but since it was Alex's birthday, I had to take her over to the best bar in town. We were soaked when we got there, but she got her free birthday shot and I think she was pretty drunk by then!

We got a couple of beers that Mike didn't charge us for because he's an awesome guy too and I had a Happy Birthday shot too because (say it with me)....

It's Whiskey River!

I had some BBQ chicken pizza that was really good and helped me feel a little better before heading out. We had to honk at the sleeping parking attendant in his Subaru to wake him up to let us out.

It was still raining really hard on the way out of the city and down the Turnpike. I was so tired, we stopped at a rest area and just passed out. It was morning when we woke up here. I felt much better and we continued our journey home.

Absolutely amazing adventure last night! I loved it and it couldn't have gone any better. We got tickets, saw a hilarious comedy show, met Demetri Martin and got a bunch of free drinks in NYC! I wanna do it again.

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