Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan 21, 2014

Back to work today at Vineland Memorial in the same science class. They called for a half day because of the impending snow storm so that meant short classes again. The snow started around 10 so we got to watch it slowly accumulate. I also found out the teacher needs to be out for another week so my job is extended. Good news!

I came home from work and considered going out to shoot in the snow, but it didn't seem to be piling up yet. That didn't happen until later. So I spent my afternoon updating and watching White Collar until Ryan asked me if I wanted to come over and work out at the school behind his house.

We took the kettle bell and came up with two circuits. The kettle bell exercises weren't even that bad; it was the push ups on the parallel bars that really made me feel it. We did five sets of each exercise and the blowing wind made it even more interesting.

It was fun, but it felt good to come back inside. We played some Mario U and then some mini games based on old NES games like Mario and Excitebike. They were fun. I came home and watched New Girl and Justified before bed. No work tomorrow! (I'm not really excited about it.)

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