Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 11, 2013

I met Ryan and Erika at the gym for some circuits in the morning followed by a walk at the park with Ryan. It was another beautiful day so I wanted to stay outside. I went for a bike ride later and took the longest circuitous route that was easy enough to do before it got dark. I rode down through the airport and had a beautiful sunset. Why would I want to come inside on a day like this?

Well, after it got dark I came inside and Chuck came over for some beers while we watched the long-awaited season premiere of Breaking Bad and wow, is it going to be an awesome season if it it keeps up like that. We opened up the Elevation Triple IPA from Renegade so Chuck could try some of the amazing flavor explosion while it was freshest. We also started the Vanilla Imperial Stout I got from Schlafly. A good night we had.

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