Monday, February 24, 2014

Feb 24, 2014

I worked at Vineland Memorial and my meeting schedule was for the first two periods of the day and then my last one was period 8 so I had a huge break in between where I sat in the break room watching Girls, The Walking Dead, and Shameless from last night. It wasn't a bad day.

I went to the gym with Brenda later and the racquetball court was booked for a few hours so we went to the cardio room to run and walk on treadmills until it was time for yoga. Yoga was really long, but it was fun and challenging. There are definitely motions I need to practice if I want to do it more often.

After total relaxation we went to the racquetball court and started nailing a ball full speed at the wall. We ended up having some really great games. It was nice that she is pretty good and gives a real effort to win. She did beat me both full games we played. I also managed to hit her directly in the face with one of my shots. She was okay, but it looked like it hurt. I think I'd really like to join this gym just to be able to play more often. And yoga.

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