Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec 9, 2011

I had the tech class again today and had to give them worksheets that they finished quickly so I found another video in the teacher's desk to show. This time it was about the beer industry. Sounded good to me. It went through the start of the beer business in the US to prohibition and beyond.

I took an Alternative School job as well, also for a tech class. The students didn't do much, of course. A few of them got on the computer and did the reports they were supposed to. Others sat there impatiently waiting for the class to end. I showed a video about the best worst infomercial products in one of the classes just to have something to do.

Kate, Chuck, and I went to Hangar 84 to see her friend's band, Never Say Die. They weren't my kind of music and the sound was bad. After the show, though, we went back to Kate's and had a few beers before bedtime.

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