Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, 2012

Another day at Lakeside and I had a strange schedule where most of the morning I covered other random classes and ACI. It was pretty good, but then I got to my regular English classes where I had to be very stern with the students until I gave up and let them talk because I was tired of yelling. I just put on movies. At least I got to leave early and met Ryan at the gym for leg workout. I met Dana at Saigon for dinner. I had curry, which was only mildly disappointing. I usually stick with the vermicelli.

We came back to the house to look through some photos and then had some drinks and watched I Love You, Man and some of Mrs. Doubtfire. I still remember all the lines to that movie. It's so good.

After she left Ryan came over and we went for a run around the neighborhood. It was still pretty humid out, but it was a really nice night for a run.

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