Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jan 7, 2012

I headed up to Malaga Diner in the morning to meet Arianna so we could discuss her engagement photo shoot. We figured out pretty quickly what we wanted to do and then we caught up and enjoyed our eggs.

Kate and I picked up Aiden later and took him to Fat Jack's for lunch. He always enjoys it. And he always gets the same thing: mac and cheese and a corn dog.

We took him to the park after eating and he had an amazing time. I wish I could enjoy things like that. He ran around for a couple of hours playing on everything and even made a few friends on the playground.

I went for a run at Silver Run after we got back from dropping him off. It was warm enough to want to stay outside longer.

We went up to PB's later for the Yards event. This time they actually knew it was happening and had some beer for Ron to sample for people. He snuck me a bottle of Yards' Old Bartholomew too! We hung out for a while and I got to use my New Jersey Craft Beer discount card for the first time. They have a great deal at PB's.

I shot some photos of the event to write about it for my site and NJCB, but we headed out after being there a couple of hours. The crowd was pretty good this time and Ron had steady visitors. We were just ready to head home.

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