Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan 4, 2012

Kate and I picked up Laura on the way to Philly and then found a place to park before walking to the hole in the fence by the old tunnels under Pennsylvania Ave.

There was a lot of graffiti that made the concrete posts look really great against the dull background. I shot some photos and we walked down the train tracks a bit.

The tracks went into a tunnel that turned pitch black so we took the bigger, more well-lit tunnel to the left and walked up it a bit. It goes right up to the police station, so we didn't take it all the way, but it was a cool visual. It was only a little scary as we passed a random guy hiding his face on the way out.

We went to Whole Foods to get lunch and look up other places we should go. It's been way too long since I've had their hot bar. We found a few places we wanted to check out and some places that seemed like they would be too difficult to enter.

We went to this burnt out school in north Philly and took a walk around it. The building is beautiful on the outside. I really wanted to go inside, but there weren't easy entrances and I wasn't really interested in being arrested. We stopped by the Divine Lorraine, but didn't try to get in this time. Maybe next time we'll have more luck.

I went to the Oar House when I got back to meet Ben from Turtle Stone Brewing, a new brewery from Vineland. We sat and chatted for a while and had a beer. It was a little awkward since he was there with his wife and some younger people that he didn't really explain. I thought it would be more of an interview.

I met everyone at Applebee's for Quizzo, where we didn't do very well. It was a good time anyway.

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