Friday, November 28, 2008

Nov 27, 2008

Well, first off, Happy Thanksgiving! So to give thanks I went out and played a full round by myself this morning. It was a beautiful day out for the season, I was actually getting pretty warm about halfway through the game. I was surprised to actually see a couple other players out as well. It was quite fun by myself today as well.

After the game I went to Katie's to cook dinner. This is our turkey.. er tofurky.

We cooked up some shrooms and a bunch of other dishes. I peeled down the potatoes and chopped the green beans then the real cooking started.

A tofurky doesn't take as long as a realturkey to cook, just a few hours of basting.

Once we were finished we had the "bird," stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy and cranberry sauce.

It was a delicious vegan feast. I got to cut the tofurky this year too...

With/after dinner I had a few Coronas. After that we just relaxed for while. It was a really filling meal and far too much food for two people.

We started a fire in the fireplace since it was cold in the house and hung out around that for a while. Katie made a Dutch apple cake/pie also but that will be for tomorrow..

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