Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sep 14, 2008

Most of my day was spent inside today until it was time to head up north with Chuck. We got to Hoboken a little early and had some time to walk around and take a few picture of the New York skyline that was lit up beautifully large across the river.

We found our way over to Maxwell's still quite early for the show and stood in line outside the playing area.

The Gay Blades came on first. They were pretty awesome and I need to get some of their music. They were pretty crazy and loud but really catchy.

Jonah Matranga came on next. Chuck was very happy of course and I was enjoying his tunes even though I didn't know them.

His songs are great and he's a really heartfelt guy.

Chuck got a picture with Jonah after the set and I got to talk to him for a minute.

I plan on getting some Jonah music and being ready to sing along at the next show.

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