Sunday, April 1, 2012

Apr 1, 2012

Kate and I went to have breakfast at The Queen and I got an omelet that was much too big but very delicious. After that I met Ryan at the gym for our weekly muscle medley followed by a trip to Parvin for a run. We did four exercise stops along the way, making it seem much more difficult than my longer run the other day.

I came home for a bit but had to go back out shortly after for Kate's cousin Hunter's birthday party. He was turning 7 and got way too much candy as presents. He seemed to be having a good time. We hung out and had some ice cream and I listened to them tell their old family stories for a while before departing.

I spent the evening working on this video as a teaser/intro for NJCB and the interviews I will be editing soon. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I wish I did more general footage of the fest though. Next time I'll know.

After some perusing of the internet I was ready to get to bed early.

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