Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apr 3, 2012

Annoyingly I did not get a job this morning, so I went to drop my car at the mechanic's early and my grandmom suggested getting breakfast at Jim's Lunch. I got a pretty good omelet and a very small orange juice.

It was gorgeous out so we went and played a round of disc golf. Kate is getting much better by the small amount of practice she's had. I did pretty well too. We got a basketball and went to the park so I could embarrass myself. I'm awful at basketball. But it was fun shooting around though.

We spent some time planning the trip for next week and then went to the fairgrounds to let Jack run around and chase balls. I was also scouting it out for a possible booth there in the summer to take photos.

I went for a run on the trails behind Kate's house, but I was pretty tired from running the last few days and only went about two miles. I walked the rest of the way listening to Stuff You Should Know and getting lost on the confusing branched trails.

We decided to have a fire later on. It was already going when I got back from home. We got to try out the beer that Fred picked up for us at Coddington's Brewery in Newport, RI. It was quite good.

Chuck and Tracy joined us. Tracy and I tried to make some plans as far as camping and running/obstacle events for the spring and summer. We have a better idea of what we want to do.

It was a nice day overall and I was tired when I got home so sleep came quickly.

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