I worked a half day at Lakeside for an English teacher after canceling another job because I knew I wouldn't want to get up that early. It was a pretty easy day.

I went home to pack some things up and then I went to Peking Tokyo to meet Jackie for sushi before she headed off to the Outer Banks for the summer. Sweet Potato rolls!

I came home and finished packing everything up before Ryan, Chuck and Nate came over. We packed Ryan's car full and then we headed off to Maryland. On the way we used the GPS to find a Golden Corral but it took us to Ruby Tuesday so we ate there instead. They have a good salad bar.

The rest of the drive was interesting. We hit a lot of traffic, slowing us down, and then, while driving through a strange residential area, a deer darted out and plowed into Ryan's driver side door. It was somewhat frightening but it didn't seem to do too much damage. After that incident we found out we got directions to the wrong camp! Eventually we found our way to the right campground and set up our tents in relative darkness.

After a walk around the camp, we retired to our tents and went to sleep to get ready for the next day.
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