Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mar 21, 2012

I had a good day at the Senior High with an English class that I'm always in for. The students had their work and did it, for the most part. I spent most of the time reading more through The Girl Who Played with Fire. It's getting really good. I had a nap after work and then we headed to Philly for The Abbaye's U Buy the Glass night for Southampton Brewery.

I ordered a red bean burger even though I wasn't that hungry. It's hard to resist. We sampled the beers which included a porter, a double white, and a marzen. The double white was really good and pretty much what I wanted last night. The porter was also delicious, but I wasn't in the mood for the heavier stuff. The rep from the brewery came and talked to us about the different styles and the brewery which I now want to visit.

We headed home after sitting in the bar for a while finishing our drinks and food with our complimentary glasses in hand. I met Ryan for a walk around Vineland after I picked up my car from Chopper's. It was a beautiful night to walk outside and we made a few laps around the developments in east Vineland before calling it a night.

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