It took a while and this is a lame update, picture wise... but here it is. I spent some of the morning cleaning and then gathered some things up and went to Rowan to sort out my financial aid situation. All taken care of now. It wasn't difficult, just a matter of handing in and signing some papers. After that I went to Philly to trade some things in and park for free because I didn't realize I could only use quarters in the parking meter... oops.

The rest of the night goes as follows: (more or less...) Went to Deptford Mall for a smoothie. Had sushi with Katie*. Watched some High Fidelity. Met Jen at the Oarhouse for some drinks. I had Blue Moon. Rum or daiquiri mix: which is worse to take a shot of? It's a toss up. Anyway, we talked while enjoying the nice weather outside away from the terrible DJ and people (most of them anyway.)

Good times.
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