After working for a very short time at the Senior High, I picked up Diebra and Pollock to got to the Philly Zoo.

I liked the bird area you can walk through.

And it was feeding time.

They are all tropical or subtropical birds of some sort.

Some are from Australia, Asia, South America, etc..

This one was really rare and amazingly bright.

We took Pollock to the petting area but he was more interested in the brush than the goat he could use the brush on.


Melman. He wasn't as funny.

Pollock let us know where all the animals were.

And he was a happy camper.

That statue was hot!

We wanted to go in and feed the birds but couldn't because of construction.

Pollock wanted to go anyway but this little girl stopped him.

It seemed like we walked forever looking for this but we found the Pecooooooooo Primate Resereve.

Cool monkeys.

Sad monkeys.

We left and went to The Abbaye for food.

I got an awesome veggie curry dish. I want more now that I'm looking at it..

It was a fun, exhausting day. One of the monkeys got loose and they had to block off a path too.. don't tell anyone.
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