I spent the early part of the day trying to convince my friends and family that they wanted to come to the Argyle Gargoyle show at Hangar 84... didn't do great with that but we showed up at 4 to load in and turn on the rock. (pictured above)

After we went to Moe's for dinner we came back and set up our free stuff and made setlists while I made up our quota of tickets outside..

We ended up playing first because one of the bands dropped off but there were a good amount of people there.

We were having fun and the crowd was getting into it.

I think having the new versions of the songs to listen to really got me pumped for this show.

They sounded even better than before.

We were running around and sweating a lot by the end of the set.

Our last two songs went over really well and we didn't want to get off stage... well I didn't anyway.

We hung out by our stuff for a short time and gave people some information about us via quotes from historical figures.

We spent some time chilling in the green room. I had a microwaved bagel with veggie cheese on it. It was delicious.

We watched Socratic play their set. They are really good. I need to listen to them some more.

We had some carrots and hummus in the green room and enjoyed the comfortable leather couch for a while before checking out Punchline and leaving. Thanks for coming out everyone! I'm looking forward to the North Star show now!
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