Friday, June 8, 2012

Jun 8, 2012

I worked in a math class at Lakeside during the day, and then went for a run around town after work. I went to my mom's for Aiden's birthday dinner, but we spent time playing in the yard and watching him ride his bike down the street. He does really well.

We had dinner and then got to the good stuff. Aiden was quick to blow out the candles and claim his position as a 4 year old.

He just wanted to get to this part. No need for utensils. After watching him destroy his cake and eat some of it we got to the present opening. Plenty of toys for him to spend time with and a Power Rangers sword for him to fight me with.

I came home and after being inside for a while I felt like I had to get out because it was so nice. I went for a bike ride down 49 which was pretty frightening. It was way too dark and I kept worrying about hitting something on the shoulder or getting hit by someone not paying attention. I need lights.

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