Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jun 5, 2012

I took advantage of the nice day by biking down 49 and around the east edge of town, and then I headed to the gym for an additional workout. It was a good ride.

Fox & Hound was having more Philly Beer Week specials and they had several firkins on for the night, so Kate, Chuck, and I headed up there for the night. They had Weyerbacher, Fifty Fifty, Ballast Point, and Free Will beers on firkin so we took advantage of those first.

Laura, Jesse, and their friend joined us shortly after and joined in the beer drinking festivities. I'm sure it was mentioned more than once that it would be nice if we lived in the city and could take advantage of these specials and walk two blocks home.

Three dollar beers are hard to pass up even with the drive though. It's also easier to get friends to come join when they know that craft beer won't break their bank!

We had a good night eating and drinking. We did spend like 4 hours there. Maybe more.

I came home and felt like writing so I started a new blog and wrote a couple things to go up on it. I'm always starting new things without maintaining the old. Hm.

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