Monday, June 4, 2012

Jun 4, 2012

I wanted to go for a long bike ride so I headed west on 49 toward Stow Creek. The worst part about biking anywhere that's worth it is getting through all the parts of the cities around here that are not great for biking. Lots of traffic and few shoulders.

Once I got out past Bridgeton it was smooth sailing and I didn't see too many cars. It was a beautiful day and I stopped to take some pictures at this wheat field. I really wished I had brought my camera at this point.

I retracted that thought soon after when I turned around and noticed there was a big gray sky rapidly approaching. This is the view west and east, respectively. I needed to head east, unfortunately.

Luckily I had come prepared with a poncho. It isn't the best thing, but it kept me dry while I pedaled through the pouring rain. Except for my head. I pedaled through Bridgeton, where I stopped to help a guy load a lawnmower onto his truck. I felt good for helping him and that brightened my mood that was soaked in rain and sweat.

Once I got home I was ready to eat and chill out watching shows for the rest of the night. I had a good ride though and the rain was pretty nice when it came down to it. I just need better rain gear.

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