Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb 12, 2012

I went to the gym with Ryan in the morning then went to a few stores to get some supplies so I could build my mini studio setup to shoot Brenda's pieces. It was working out pretty well, even though it was quite a rigged setup.

After spending too much time shooting inside I decided to go check out the sunset at the lake and was very glad I did when I came across the amazing ice sculptures along the shore! They were fantastic and beautiful, especially with the sunset as a backdrop. My hands were freezing, but I'm really glad I went out.

I went to the Oar House with Kate and Chuck a little later for a few drinks. It was pretty empty since it was Sunday night so that was nice.

When I came home I continued shooting the ceramics pretty late into the night and then worked on some of them. The only downside to my setup was they required a fair amount of post-production. I'll have to work on that in the future.

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