Monday, June 24, 2013

Jun 24, 2013

I spent my morning editing wedding photos and paying bills. I'm really liking how some of the photos from Jess and Bill's wedding came out. Sometimes it's the unexpected ones that are my favorites and the ones I was hoping would be great that disappoint me.

My dad and I went down to the Atlantic County Bikeway for a nice long ride. It's a long, fairly flat, and paved path through Mays Landing to the Shore Mall. It was a beautiful day for a ride. When we got down to the mall area we decided to stop and have something to eat at Jalapeno's. After lunch we biked back. The 16ish-mile ride felt pretty easy, but it was fun and that's why we went.

Later I went to dinner with my mom, where we talked for a long time about a lot of stuff. I came home and tried to edit more photos for the night, but I ended up mostly just watching shows.

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