Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sep 27, 2011

I worked in a resource class at Memorial during the day, meaning I had very small classes besides the inclusion class I had, where we watched the Disney Pocahontas. Normally that would be okay, but I was tired and it was making me sleepy. Not a bad day there.

I covered the CST meeting at Alternative school right after my day job, which consisted of me sitting there for three hours waiting until the teacher I was covering had her meeting. It turned out she had only one student all day whom she works with one on one. This was actually a good thing and helped pass the rest of the night quickly. I went home and watched some thing and had good food, trying not to nap so I wouldn't be up all night. I went for a run later listening to the new New Found Glory album. It's great and that got me ready to go to bed.

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