I didn't really feel like doing anything all day so I didn't do anything besides watch Dexter.. Until Ryan and Erika went to the gym and I decided that I needed to get off my lazy ass and do something productive for the day or I would not be feeling better anytime soon. We set up a few circuits that were strenuous and sometimes fun. I'm not sure but I think I saw Erika bypass a few of the obstacles..

I resumed my lethargic position once I got home until Ryan came over and we took a walk to the school to do The Cub. After one go around we devised a different, shorter course to challenge one another. It involved the usual: climbing, jumping, balancing. The picture is a great shadow created when we were walking the wall. It made me laugh the first time because all I saw was Ryan's shadow running across the wall getting bigger. Ryan had me by 3 seconds after three attempts at our new thing. We finished our walk back to my house after that.

After I got a second shower for the evening I headed to Landmark to meet up with Renea. She was there with some friends, including Jake, whom I haven't seen in forever and doesn't look the same at all. We did a little bit of dancing inside but then went out to the outside area.

I was drinking Sam Adams and having a good time catching up. The weather was great for being outside. People slowly started leaving from the group but we stuck around until last call and then went out for a walk around campus to help Renea sober up. Once I realized she wouldn't be in any shape to drive I decided to take her home and leave her car there.

Renea fell asleep as soon as she got in the car so I got to drive home rocking out to some Argyle Gargoyle myself. I dropped her off at her place and then headed home.
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