I took Renea to get her car at Landmark in the early afternoon then we went to Wal*Mart to get some drinks and chips for the planned picnic at Fort Mott. We drove all the way out there and met up under the roof outside the restrooms. Since it was raining and both pavilions were rented out for the day we realized we'd have to move the party. After standing around talking for a while and watching the kids jump over puddles we turned around and headed back.

We ended up at Tracy's where we unpacked all of our food items and started eating. There were some good pasta salads going on as well as an awesome fruit salad. Doesn't it look great?

I was really hungry by this point so it was good to eat. We took our time eating and I enjoyed watching Ian meticulously peel into his orange.

We broke into a game of Uno after eating and realized that a lot of people don't really know how to play. That was probably the best part though because everyone was trying to figure out the rules whenever it was their turn. We played until the last person went out. Tracy celebrated her victory as second to last place!

We got out some frisbees and threw them around in the yard since it had stopped raining. I like this photo even though it's blurry. We were running around chasing discs and trying to avoid hitting all the cars parked in the yard but not doing a great job of it.. It was a lot of fun.

I'm about to break this down
Jamie's blog style. All except one of these things happened tonight:
(a) Renea caught a moth and took it home as a pet (or a tattoo..)
(b) We had oranges imported from South Africa.
(c) Ian gave me a Christmas present he got for me in 2008.
(d) We picked up a hitchhiker that turned out to be Tina Fey.
(e) We learned that the word "picnic" has a very racist history down to the red & white checkered tablecloth.
You decide what really happened.

I came home from the festivities and watched the last episode of Dexter Season 4. Definitely my favorite season now. I went out to take some night shots of weird streets and areas near my house but when I set up my camera I found that I had left my CF card at home. I used my point and shoot to take some shots that turned out alright anyway.

When did I start staying up until dawn every night again?
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