We woke up to wet campground and a reminder in my sandal to check in at the ranger station. Seawall Rangers sounds like something from a sci-fi show. At least the rain had stopped.

I made my super awesome peanut butter and banana on bread breakfast and then we went to pay for our site and find some hikes.

The first hike we decided to do was one that wouldn't be compromised because of the rain. We didn't want to be slipping on rocks. The path started by a large pond. It climbed up these stairs and wound through a forest of spruce trees.

We followed the well-marked paths to the Great Notch area.

The scenery kept changing as we got higher. It became more rocky and the trees changed. We were looking for a nice view that we were told was atop Great Notch but we found no such view.

We followed the blue markers which looked like an interior design ninja had thrown color samples like ninja stars at the trees.

The forest itself was beautiful and had several running streams idling down rocky beds.

We took a different path on the way back along the pond's edge.

We found a nice spot and sat for a while enjoying the great view.

When we got back to the car we sat at the edge of Long Pond (you can see why it has that name) and had our lunch.

The next stop on our trip was the cliffs along the edge of the ocean. This was an amazing sight. It's exactly what I think of when I think of Maine. The water was crashing on the rocks in waves of white foam and the view went on for miles.

There was an easy path along the edge of the rocks but we decided to make it interesting and climb the rocks all the way down.

We came across a few areas where we had to make the jump.

Some places we didn't have to but it was a lot of fun to do it anyway!

Just climbing on these rocks and finding places to jump from one to another was so much fun. It turned out it was practice for what was to come...

We continued walking along the water's edge for some time, climbing up rocks and down, avoiding crashing waves as we climbed up wet cliff sides and clinging to the edge while pulling ourselves up using roots of trees. It was a great time.

We decided to get Chinese for dinner. Our waitress was really friendly, as most people seem to be up there. I sat and had some tea after our meal before going out to find a view.

We drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain to find a stunning view of the whole area. You could see for miles around, with handfuls of small islands dotting the ocean.

We sat watching the sunset and reading until the sun ducked behind clouds and didn't appear to want to come back out.

We headed back to the camp and it started raining so we had to duck for cover in our tent and get to bed somewhat early again.
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