I wanted to get out of the house and do something but I didn't want to drive to another state to do it.. so I resorted to the only almost-trail we have in the area on Silver Run Road.

I took the long path this time, which is about 2.6 miles. The trail is actually pretty nice, though not at all challenging. The worst part was the spider webs, which I used my walking stick to knock down before I could get too many in the face.

The walk was pretty nice and I got a good view of the river/bay area at the far end of it. Basically it really just made me want to do some real hiking. Luckily I won't have to wait long for that.

I went to have dinner with Sarah and Aiden after the hike. We had pineapple pizza and crazy bread from Little Caesar's. I'm not usually a big fan of that stuff on pizza but it was surprisingly good. Aiden wouldn't have any of it though.

After digesting for a while I went to the gym and did back exercises and ran a bit as well. I want to stick to a general set of things I do at the gym so I feel like I'm accomplishing something.

We went to Quizzo later and did really well if I do say so myself. We still placed third.. out of three I think. I can't recall a quiz where we have done that well ever before but I guess maybe the questions were easier and everyone got them. We came back to the house and played Grand Theft Auto and Sonic and had a few beers until it was quite late.

Despite our loss it was a fun night and I must have rubbed up against something on the hike because my ankles are breaking out. Awesome.
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