I got up surprisingly early for going to bed so late and we went to the restaurant next door to Jackie's place for breakfast. They made a tasty egg and cheese sandwich for me. It was actually a really good breakfast.

We walked around the city for a while since we had nothing much to do until I had to catch my bus. I grabbed a Jamba Juice for the road.. well, mostly for the wait in line until I got on the bus and then headed back to Philly.

Since I was going to a show anyway there was no reason to go home so I went to Olive Garden in center city for the endless pasta bowl. I was the guy sitting by himself at a restaurant. It wasn't really awkward at all.

I made it last even longer by ordering some tea after my two bowls of delicious pasta. I kind of enjoyed being by myself.

For the next two hours I went to Borders and sat there reading The Great Typo Hunt. It's about a guy who takes a road trip correcting typos and grammatical errors he finds on signs and in public. My kinda guy. And a good book.

I met up with Jess near the Trocadero and we went in with only a short wait before the Juliana Theory took the stage. They played some really old songs and some later material which was equally as good. It's funny how the songs I wasn't such a big fan of when they came out seem so good now that it's been years since I heard them.

They left the stage briefly and we were left to wait, excitedly for them to return and play the songs we really wanted to hear.

They came back out to the opening sounds of their album Emotion is Dead and played the entire thing straight through. "If I Told You This Was Killing Me.." was the highlight of course but they played everything amazingly right to the last rock-out ending to "You Always Say Goodnight." I missed them.

They left the stage and came out one last time to give us a third set of great songs! They played "DJ" and a few other gems before finally saying goodnight for real. It was a great last show. They really lived up to their reputation and left us with a good memory.

We drove home happy after seeing such a great show. It sucks that they'll never play again but I'm glad we got a great farewell.
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