We got up ready for a full day and cooked oatmeal on the propane stove. I chopped up a banana to make it taste a little better. It was a hearty breakfast that got me ready for hiking.. right after the half hour drive to the other side of the park.

We pulled up to the precipice, parking along the road because all of the parking spots were already taken up. This is the hike we had been looking forward to since we read about it.

The very first thing you see on the trail are signs saying that it's not a hiking trail and people have been seriously injured and killed on the trail. That's just for people that don't know what they're doing.

This is a view of what we would be climbing up. It looks pretty intimidating.

It began with mostly small rock climbs and then we came to this large boulder field. It's not as difficult as it looks. It's actually a lot of fun navigating the boulders and finding a path over them.

The metal rungs and guide bars began shortly after. Some of them were necessary to get up certain rock faces but we avoided others because they were just for extra help and we wanted to do it on our own. This part of the edge had a little bridge over it. It was steep so the help was appreciated in this case.

We came to some parts where the ladders started to take us straight up. There was a hold up at this point because some people decided to bring their young children on this hike. There were definitely parts where I felt a little iffy so I don't think I'd bring my children. Something about Maine causes people to be neglectful parents.

Once the jam let up we climbed up the rungs, ladders and steep rocks higher and higher.

There was one spot that was really narrow on the edge. There were guide bars but it was still a long drop off the side.

Not long after, while still being continually held up by the family in front of us, we made it to the top. The view was amazing.

We took a break and took in the beautiful scenery while we had some trail mix and water. The climb was a lot of fun and the view was a great payoff.

We took a different way down which was generally easier but there were some narrow rock steps which are always harder going down.

We headed right down the road to another strenuous hike called The Beehive.

This hike was similar to The Precipice but it didn't have as many ladders or obstacles. The climb seemed steeper at times but the overall hike was not as far.

The view from the top was nice as well but it was nothing compared to the last one we saw. We didn't spend too much time up there before we headed down.

We had some lunch in the car before we headed back to the other side of the park and found our next challenge: Acadia Mountain. This hike was more wooded than rocky though it was still quite steep at points.

It was a nice hike to the top and the view was amazing from there.

This was definitely my favorite view of the trip for some reason. You couldn't see the farthest but just the things you could see looking down to the bay where the sailboats were ambling across the water and seeing out to the endless ocean created a great scene.

On the way down we made some slight detours to add elements to our hike. Besides jumping from rock to rock like we were the day before, we added a log walk to the fun.

We also decided to take a trail up to the summit of another mountain when the trail branched off. I think we regretted it a little bit once we started climbing up but there was no turning back. The view from this one was not much more than trees but it felt good to be there so we could start heading down again.

We stopped at the general store for showers on our way back to camp since the park doesn't have any showers. It felt good to be clean. We headed back to camp and fired up the burner so we could make soup. My creamy mushroom soup with Ritz crackers was amazing after a long day of hiking. I was so hungry.

We got out the travel Scrabble and played until it was too dark. Luckily, we could just fold it up and start again where we left off later!

We stacked some kindling and got a nice big fire going once it started getting dark. It was nice to have a fire and no rain this time.

We sat next to the fire reading and just enjoying time to relax after the long day.

I wasn't tired but I was so exhausted I fell asleep soon after I got in my sleeping bag.
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