Art Since 1945 ended up being a pretty good and lighthearted conversation about gallery acquisitions and recent shifts in the scope of museum collections. We also delved into the rich topic of political influence and its affect on the art world. It was an informative session.

I spent my break working on my website and getting some things running before class. Once class began I got a good deal of work done on several pages. I edited photos to the proper sizes and added thumbnails for them. I like how this is coming along but I wish I could work on it at home as well.

When I got home I had a black bean burger my mom brought me from Chili's and then got to work cleaning out anything that was left in the house and taking things down to my new room.

By the evening I had gotten everything out that was going except my computer. I felt like a hacker in an empty room with nothing but my glowing screen.

I made a few trips to drop things off and then it got too cold and dark so I sat down and watched a few shows before I got really tired and went to sleep for the last time in that house.
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