I got up early enough to finish the citations and editing my paper and then I had to go to Staples to print it out along with the color images that I almost forgot I had to add.

I stopped at the hospital after printing to see Jess briefly and drop off some snacks and DVDs to keep her occupied and give her an option to the hospital food. She's doing well though so don't be worried.

I got to class shortly after it had "begun" but much of the class was an informal conversation anyway. We talked about some of the articles we had read last week and then Hottle gave us a rundown on what it's really like to be an art historian; at least for him. Basically he just showed us some slides of awkward things he has had to do for his job.

Brian, Matt, Michelle and I went to the student center for food between classes and froze a little bit on the walk there and back. When did it get so cold?

We had our final critique in Web so we spent all period going around to each person and talking at length about the design of their site. I still feel like I get nothing out of these. I get more usable feedback talking to someone personally and not in a group. Also a lot of the comments made seem to suggest that everyone would like everyone's site to be generic and not creative, which seems illogical since these are portfolio sites for our creative work.

On the upside, Jenn brought donuts for us and Mich ordered pizza so we had snacks while we suffered through our last long critique of the year. I stuck around for a while after class talking to Mich and Alex while I made some minor changes to my site and put it up live online. You can visit it
here if you so choose.
Come on. (use Firefox. Just in general. But also because some other browsers don't like the code for
my site right now..) I'm happy with it.

The rest of the night I spent watching Six Feet Under, editing photos (which are looking awesome. I need to do more studio shoots), and finishing the night off by writing another paper. Love finals time.
love the site, you're such a good photographer it's sickening ;)
Thanks sooo much, Jamie. =)
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