I slept late again after not getting to sleep until dawn and didn't have much motivation to do anything when I got up. This has got to change. I did manage to run about four miles on the treadmill that I keep forgetting about.

Carissa picked me up later in the evening and we went to the Hamilton Mall to do some late Christmas shopping. The amount of people in the mall was surprisingly low considering the date. I did find at least one thing that I wouldn't have thought of if I hadn't gone to the mall so it was a successful trip.

We went to the Olive Garden after our short-lived shopping excursion because we were both starving. I dug right into the breadsticks and soup while our waiter offered to take a picture of us. I couldn't deny him. The food was very good. I ate the peppers out of the salad so Carissa could smell them and be happy. And I got all of the Andes mints because she doesn't like them. I win.

We spent some time in Borders where I got a Kevin Smith book on discount because it was damaged and talked to the cashier about David Cross and Arrested Development while we waited for the manager to come up. I spent the rest of the night when I got home talking online, watching TV and playing bass. Never being able to fall asleep.
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