My alarm worked today and I was up early heading up the Turnpike toward Secaucus. There was barely any traffic and I got to the train station just when I planned to and didn't have to wait long for Nathan to get in.

We stopped at a sandwich shop to get lunch for later where I was rung up by a confused guy who had "never heard of [a cheese sandwich] in his life." After some speculation and a lot of buttons on the register I got my sandwich for cheaper than it was supposed to be. I win.

We found our way to Breakneck Ridge off of Route 9D in New York and got ready for the hike. We layered up and checked the map and then headed up the trail.

It was a steep, rocky climb to start and we encountered a good amount of ice, but none that impaired our ability to ascend. The first part was quite fun actually; mostly large boulders to climb over.

We had a great view almost immediately. It was a clear view all the way up and we stopped a few times along the way just to enjoy it.

Once we got to the top of the first area we started seeing some new scenery, mostly hilltops covered in dead trees. It was a nice sight. There were some more challenging climbs up in this area as well.

The trail soon led us into the thick woods where we were keeping pace with a couple of guys in front of us who were jogging and taking a slightly different route than us. One of the best things about the trail is the frequency that the scenery changed.

Speaking of changing scenery, we came upon an awesome stream once we got onto the yellow trail leading up to the summit. It wound all around, cutting through the trees and keeping us there enjoying it for some time.

The trail followed along the edge of the stream for quite a while so we got to continue enjoying it after we crossed.

We made it to the summit of Sugarloaf Mountain and took in the nice view. We also put our sweatshirts back on since the wind was blowing quite cold up there.

We sat down and had our sandwiches for lunch and tried to figure out what some of the landmarks across the river were.

It got way too cold to sit there any longer so we packed up and ran away. Before I left I shot this tree because it reminds me of the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro. It's just a nice view also.

The way down was quite steep and filled with loose rocks and gravel. It did have another nice surprise for us in the form of this awesome waterfall. I didn't expect to see anything like this on the trail. I precariously slid down the side of the hill to get some nicer shots of it. The rest of the way down was pretty quick and we ran into a couple with a friendly dog named Max who befriended us.

We headed out after a good hike and got some hot tea as a reward. We tried to go to a movie but the theater we stopped at had been shut down earlier in the week. We just decided against that idea and I dropped off Nathan at the train station after fighting through some Bronx traffic and then fought my way home down the Turnpike.

It was good to be home and relax with something to eat and Psych. Early bedtime tonight.
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