I didn't get much sleep but I was woken up when my cousins came over to open gifts. Everyone exchanged and then my dad came over with the gift he and my uncle got for my grandmom: a new TV. The kids helped open it and I helped install it. I went to my mom's for a while to exchange gifts and hang out for a while and then came home to get ready for dinner.

I got to Sam's in time for pre-dinner mingling. We had some beers and talked about what was going on for the holidays. Jordan and I kept each other company since we were both there alone together.

The dinner spread was nice and we all sat down to have salads before the big meal came out.

There were cashew stuffing-filled portobello caps, cauliflower, green beans and au gratin potatoes. It was a delicious meal! Dessert was great also, though it was hard to decide what to have between the four or so cakes on the table and the three-tiered tray of cookies. It was a nice meal and a good time to spend the day with some friends.

I fell asleep for a while after I got home and when I got up I decided not to go out for the night because I bought into the stupid weather forecast about snow. I went for a walk down by the river to take some photos and just to get outside for a while.

It was cold out but somewhat refreshing, even with the gently falling snow. It's going to be a long winter.
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