Three hours of sleep later I got up and met Jeff to go to the flea market. I unloaded my truckload of stuff as a few people came to scavenge before I had even finished. It was way too cold to be out there with just a sweatshirt but I didn't have anything else.

I kept moving around to stay warm and because I got bored when there was a lag in people. I sold a good deal of my stuff. There were a lot of random items on the table that didn't go, but I was happy with what I sold.

Jeff didn't have nearly as much as me, but he made some sales. Toward the end of the day we were getting desperate and selling things cheap. Jeff even put up a special. No one took him up on it, though just as we were packing up someone bought his box of comics and someone bought my printer. Not a bad day of work.

We went to Moe's for some much-needed lunch after our seven hours of standing in the cold. I ate that whole burrito.

Later in the evening I went to Sam's for the annual holiday party. She was hard at work making veggie pizzas so we congregated in the kitchen.

We got into our seasonal variety packs of beer to try some new flavors. Troegs has a lot of good winter ales.

When the pizzas were finished we had some slices as we tried to figure out the rules of the game we were about to play for our beer swap.

After much deliberation and re-reading, we got into the game. The beer was all wrapped so one person chose a package, opened it and then the next person chooses a package and decides whether they want to open it and keep it or switch it for what is already opened. It's not that confusing, but it is easy to get it mixed up.

We all opened our packages except Allie, who traded with me. There were some good beers out on the table; Rogue, Troegs, Left Hand.

After the game was over we all traded a beer with each other so all of us ended up with basically the same six-pack grab bag, except Chuck, who got two big bottles of Rogue. It's still fun to play the game..

We sat around post-game trying some of the beer we just got and talking.

I brought everyone to the table and got us started on a rousing game of Scattergories. There we desserts of cake and oatmeal cookies circulating the table as we thought of alliterations to rack up the points.

It was a long, fun twelve rounds. Bob Barker, Chris Carter and King of Queens, which doesn't get points for alliteration, were all answers, along with some clever adjectival placements. It was a good game, but it's so hard to think of things when the clock is ticking. I couldn't think of a president whose name started with K.

After the game we were all pretty tired so we called it a night and headed out. I was ready to sleep as soon as I got home after a long day and little sleep.
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