I picked up Heather and we headed through Philly very slowly because of the Sunday traffic. It could have been much worse but it took a while to get to Wissahickon Creek. Once we got there we headed out on the main trail first and started climbing things. She fell on the way down her first hill but an unleashed dog came and made sure she was alright. This same dog would start attacking a leashed dog just a few moments later and incite a screaming match between the owners of both dogs and cause the daughter of the leashed dog's owners to cry. It was kind of a crazy scene.

We found more rocks to climb farther into the hike after alternating who chose which way to go at each divergence of the path. We were also behind an older man with a parrot on his shoulder for a short time.

I tried some climbs that I couldn't quite do and then I found some that I could do to make myself feel better. Heather joined me for most of them.

I climbed up this part of the rocks to get to the statue. It was pretty difficult in some parts but coming down was worse.

When I did come down Heather had found a crevice to squeeze into. I squeezed in as well and it was actually somewhat comfortable in there. We waited for people to walk by on the trail and quietly stared at them until they noticed and awkwardly looked away or laughed and made strange comments.

This gives you a better idea of what the crevice really was like. Nice and cozy.

When we came to the river we decided to cross it and I committed us to that by throwing my shoes across. Heather did the same but her first one landed upside down in the water. At least it didn't float down stream..

The walk across was only a little precarious in one spot where the water was rushing pretty fast. Once I got past that it was easy besides the rocks hurting my feet.

Once we got into it the water was a really nice way to cool down for a while after all the climbing. We stayed there for a bit, walking around in the water and taking photos as people walked their dogs along the banks.

We sat on the bank until my feet had dried enough to put my socks and shoes back on and then headed onto the next trail. We took a few trails before heading back to the car and seeing what looked like a body in a small crack on the side of the water. We'll never know...

We were both quite hungry so I went downtown to Maoz since Heather had never had it. It was delicious and she agreed. This face reminds me of the best burger ever face Chuck and I were making the other day.

When we got back to Rowan I went to Westby to work in the dark computer lab on my Typography homework for a while. I came up with some good ideas after I sat there for a while listening to Farewell Continental and Copeland.

I went to Heather's once I finished where we watched I Love You, Man while eating pumpkin pie and drinking Yuengling. They're actually a really good combo. There might have been some chips with spinach dip that her roommate graciously shared with us as well.

I love that movie. And pumpkin pie. And beer. And hiking/climbing/fording rivers/crevices and whatnot. And falafel. It was an awesome day.
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