School was school. Art History was alright. I went to get food after class and realized I didn't have my wallet.. but I came back and Alex loaned me some dollars so I could get my eggs! We did some critiquing in Web but I just worked on my site and realized that I have a lot more to do.

I was not having a great day at all so I came home and hung out by myself. The night was really nice so I went out for a run listening to the Starting Line. It's amazing how quickly that picked my mood up. I ran about 5 miles around the neighborhood and then when I got back home I really didn't feel like going inside. I took a walk all around and took some night photos. The weather was perfect. I want every night to be like that.

I finally came inside after my run and walk feeling good. The feeling didn't last too long but I'm glad I had it for a while.
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