I went with Ryan and Erika to the gym in the morning. Ryan and I did a bunch of 4-minute exercises mostly leg things which I was happy with my ability to finish. After changing we went to Peking Tokyo for sushi. I got a Mountain Roll after Chuck suggested it and it was the best roll I've ever had. Doesn't it just look awesome? It was. I want another right now.

The rest of the day was fairly unproductive. Of course because I planned for this to be a very productive weekend. It always happened. I did meet Katie at Larry's II to have some tea and work on some of my Typography pieces. I got some good ideas from her but I still need a lot more.

I came home and eagerly awaited the premiere of Dexter. I watched Boardwalk Empire and Mad Men while I waited for it to come up online and then I finally saw it. So sad. This will be a good season. Such an unproductive weekend.
dexter really was so so sad. Except when he broke the news to Rita's kids while wearing a Mickey Mouse Hat. That was kinda funny... And I can't decide if that roll looks AWESOME or Disgusting.. haha.
that part was funny. and it looks Awesome. Trust me. Let's go get sushi soon?
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