Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 31, 2014

I had a nice and easy day covering meetings at Landis School in Vineland this morning. There weren't many to cover to begin with, and I had this swanky break room all to myself. Apparently no one wants to climb the extra set of stairs up to the nest. So I got to watch shows without even wearing headphones. How nice. And I left quite early since there were no meetings after 11am.

I came to the gym early to do a long run and then Ryan met me there for a weight circuit. The circuit we did was pretty intense: pull ups, overhead press, and barbell squats repeated for a lot of sets. I was pretty pooped after that.

I went to Hammonton to get Mexican with Brenda and her friend. The food was awesome, but the restaurant was so loud! It was their opening night, but I was informed that the place is often playing really loud music. That would keep me from going back there. I'll just get take out if I want it again. I went to Kate's later and we tried a couple of wines. And that was my day.

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