Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jan 11, 2014

Ryan suggested the gym this morning as a way for us to both motivate each other to actually go. It worked out well. We did two sets of jump rope circuits with exercises in between. We were sufficiently exercised after that. I got an oil change and had a few things to take care of throughout the afternoon and then came home to chill for a little while before going out.

We picked up pizzas on the way to Glasstown and then got ourselves a table and some beers. Twice in two days is a good way to do it. It was Chuck and Jamie's first time coming so Chuck sampled some of course. They only had three this time because they are gearing up for the grand opening party next weekend. That's what they said anyway.

I was really digging the Amber this time. It was much better than the sample I had last night. I had a couple of those, a pumpkin, and an IPA. I'm looking forward to them having more on tap next weekend. We hung out for a couple of hours, did the tour again for the newcomers, ate pizza, and tried to figure out what songs were playing on the radio. Brandon stopped by so we talked to him for a bit and realized he had a better idea buying the growler and pouring his own drinks. Economical/illegal. We had a great time and I wanted to have more drinks, but once I came home it was all done. Goodnight.

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