Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jan 22, 2014

No work due to snow again! Again, it was a good call on the school's part. I got to sleep in and then I went over to Parvin for a snow walk. It was fresh and untouched. I was the first one to park there and the first one to walk on most of the trail. It was really pretty all around.

I listened to Fireworks most of the way around, but I couldn't quite match the tempo as I walked in the deeper snow. It was nice not seeing anyone else on the trail and being the first one to make footprints. I was wearing Under Armour, ski pants, a hoodie, my jacket, and my face mask. I was happy with my bundling, and I just alternated taking my mask on and off my mouth.

I came home and shoveled off the walkways in the front and back of the house while I waited for Ryan to get there. We went for a walk down the river trail and around near the park. We looped around and extended the walk to the other side of the trail toward Sharp Street before heading back.

Once I took my gear off I was ready to stay home so I did laundry and watched White Collar in the comfort of my room. I was going to take another walk, but I didn't get a call so I stayed home until it was time for Quizzo. The cold and snow kept a lot of people inside it seemed. Only three teams were there and it was just Chuck and myself at our table. We fell behind in the first few rounds and were never able to catch back up so we came in third of three teams. Go team go!

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