Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oct 30, 2011

I met Ryan at the gym in the morning to do push-ups and chest exercises. I increased the weight on the chest press I was doing with dumbbells and hit myself in the chest with one of them. It hurt a little, but at least I missed my face.

We went to Parvin for a one-lap run. I don't know if it was my pace but I'm glad we only did one lap this time. When we finished we walked the mile or so back to the bridge so I could take some shots of the reflected fall leaves. It looks much nicer in person.

I went to Kate's later where Chuck played guitar for us as I drank some of the Flying Fish beer I got. We just sat out there and listened to him play and kicked a soccer ball around.

Kate made me an orange creamsicle drink. I couldn't finish the whole thing but it's really good. You can make a lot of drinks with Pinnacle whipped cream vodka.

We all had to work in the morning so we left a bit early and headed home. I got to bed after the new Dexter.

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