Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oct 27, 2011

I was in no shape to get up early so I spent most of the morning in bed. I was awaiting the FedEx guy to drop of my iMac all day and it finally came in the late afternoon. I set it up and marveled at the prettiness of it. Then I went through the motions of adding all of the programs and other things I need to use it. It's really nice to have a fast computer. Hopefully I can get a lot more work done now.

A little later I met Christy at the park and we talked for a while before deciding to go to Pop Shop for dinner. We got a pre-set meal deal thing for Restaurant Week which started us with appetizer samplers and then our sandwiches and fries. Christy got a soda float to top it off.

There was so much food that we left more than half of it before we even got our chocolate chip cookie dough balls for dessert. They were so good. And I had a giant meal leftover for later.

We went to Jeff's for a little while after eating since he's right around the corner. We mostly just sat and talked until we had to leave. Then I came home and played with my computer some more.

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