Art History was pretty good today. We talked about Chuck Close and debated the paradox of a class system. It was mildly enjoyable. I tried to get my website working after class and then had my portrait meeting with Keith where I came up with some new ideas and abandoned an old one.

We did an exercise in Web that helped me out a lot getting my site functional. It's still going to take time but I think I have the basics down now. We spent the last half of class critiquing some of the sites.

I came home, ate and waited for Quizzo. When we got to Bennigan's we were informed that Quizzo had been canceled! Not just this week but for good. I suppose it was inevitable as there wasn't a big crowd for it very often. We used our last two first place gift certificates since we'll probably never go back. I got a brownie and a couple of beers.

Chuck had his laptop so he found a trivia website and we sat there answering questions for over an hour. It was actually really entertaining. How many states end with three consecutive vowels? If you said none, you're right. Only Hawaii.

I went up to Shannon's after our DIY quiz. We each had our own wine. I brought white and she a box of red. Jackie was hanging out with us for a while as we hung out and talked. After she left we watched some Archer, finally.

Even though the clock in the living room was an hour ahead it felt really late. I brought my contact case for just such an occasion. Yeah for thinking ahead!
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