I woke up early somehow even though I didn't set an alarm and got to work on the paper about Our Town. It was pretty easy to write since I liked the play a lot. I left early to get some work done on my sculptures. I took the mold apart and pulled off the latex. It worked pretty well. Now I just have to do the other half.

I spent a little time in the morning working on this poster as well. We need to attract people to submit their work to the gallery so I'm hoping this will get people's attention. Everyone at the meeting liked it a lot. We went over some logo ideas and are making a good deal of progress on the way the publication will look.

Type was fun and went by quickly somehow. We worked on setting up our business card/letterhead designs for most of the class before having a critique at the end. It is my favorite and least favorite class it seems. We laugh a lot in there but I really don't like the work. After adding another layer of latex to my sculpture mold I headed home to have Viet food and then take a nap.

When I got up I watched How I Met Your Mother and then met Ryan at the gym for a few circuits. We managed to get a few good and exhausting runs done in a short time and then parted ways.

When I got home I went for a quick run around the neighborhood and then retired to my computer chair to watch House. I have work to do. When I wake up.
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