Morning: I got up and wrote my bibliography and did some research for my art history paper and sent the info to Hottle instead of going to class. I didn't feel like going to Web either so I went to Moe's for lunch instead. I headed down to Atlantic City in the rain to meet Jeff but once I got there he was unreachable so I gave up and went to Borders. I grabbed The Great Typo Hunt (that I started reading in Philly a few months ago), got a tea and a pumpkin scone (thanks for the rec, Seattle's Best Coffee associate) and sat there reading for about two hours. It was a nice relaxing evening; it was the opposite of what I expected to have. Tonight I much preferred tea and reading over beers and yelling.

I came home and looked up some info for my weekend and caught up on some shows. 30 Rock always makes me laugh out loud. I hope I can actually sleep tonight so I can get up early and be productive tomorrow.
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