"Currently, there are no jobs available." I got no jobs in the morning, though I kept trying. In the afternoon I got a call for Alternative School, which I happily accepted. The classes were pretty small and no one really gave me a problem except one kid. That's much better than the last class I subbed for there.

I liked the way the sky looked so I went and shot a few pictures at the lake before getting dinner and heading to Philly.

I was going to meet Nathan to see a screening of the film his friend made and he did the score for, but I got there a little late and the scenery was so beautiful I had to take the opportunity to shoot some pictures. It was a great night to walk around the city.

I met Nathan after the screening ended and we went to a bar downtown. We had a few drinks and hung out with a few of his friends from school. We took turns guessing how many New Jerseys would fit into Texas. I guess fifteen, Nathan guessed twenty. We were surprised to find out that actual answer was thirty! Texas is crazy big.

I dropped off Nathan and came home to have something to eat and then get to bed.
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